Sunday, February 21, 2010

doggie-human rescue space craft in the future

the doggie-human joint rescue space mission, flight through the same time spacewarp wormhole has come out the other side in the future, in the year -3987, everyone on this rescue space ship is still a sleep , this very large rescue doggie -human space ship is on course for the planet -earth, in the year, 3987, where stranded and missing doggie and human space crewman led by col taylor, and mr jeepers are on the surface of this planet -earth of the year -3987, riding 2 doggie range rovers trying to hide from those nasty and angry gorrialls, in the mean time.
this human-doggie rescue space ship is a day's journey from the planet earth of the year -3987, where they major cities were blown up and destroyed by nuclear weapons from a nuclear war, casused by a major nuclear war, fought between the united states, england ,france and other major world powers against the counrty of iran, who degranged psycho leaders has just built enough nuclear weapons, to start world war-3, the surface of this planet-earth -has the ruins of new york city, buried under the surface of thec planet and also, the statue of liberty is buried waist deep along the ocean, which col,taylor earlier found while rinding his horse, along with his fellow human space crewman dodge, landon, stewart and their new human friend named nova.
col taylor, and his fellow human crewman meet with human space crewman brent and maddox and 2 other u.s mitary human space crewman, who space ship in another area of this planet.
where they meet, up doggie u.s miltary col, mr, jeepers, along with other doggie space crewmen, leo, theo, freeway, and chula the dog, who's space ship, had trouble with its space ship engine ,trying to blast off, they meet with very friendly apes named dr.milo, zira, and cornuilsa, who will do their best to help everyone stay out of trouble, intill another rescue space ship, comes to bring them all back to their planet-earth of the year-1973.

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