Thursday, March 4, 2010

while down on the future planet earth ,

while the doggie-human space rescue ship is enter the atmostphere of the planet -earth of the year,3987, our brave human and doggie astronauts led col,taylor, mr, jeepers, and freeway,the dog , meet up and find another crashed u.s miltary space rescue ship, 3 u.s miltary astronauts , one of them was killed in their crash landed on this planet -earth of the year-3987, the surving u.s mitary astronauts are Colonel Alan Virdon and also Major Paul Burke, who rescue space ship was sent by Nasa, to find to find human astronauts brent's and maddox space ship, which eariler crashed landed on this same planet,earth of the year-3987, which was sent to search,rescue and bring back human Astronauts, col,tayor, Landon, Dodge, and Stewart, all these human and doggie astronauts will work together, to find to a very safe place to hide, from those nasty and violent apes, while waiting this 3rd joint human and doggie rescue space ship , to safely land on this planet-earth of the year,3987.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

the joint human-doggie rescue in earth's orbit

the join human-doggie space rescue mission from the planet -earth of the year -1973, is now in orbit of the planet -earth of the year-3987, the doggie and human crew of this space craft is in supeneded amatiomn, the spaceship's computer's outpilot was programed to enter the atmosphere of this planet -earth of the year-3987, once this rescue spaceship has made it into the planet's atmosphere, it will find a very safe place for this rescue spaceship to land on, with out crashing, like what happened u.s miltarty human's brent 's space ship.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

doggie-human rescue space craft in the future

the doggie-human joint rescue space mission, flight through the same time spacewarp wormhole has come out the other side in the future, in the year -3987, everyone on this rescue space ship is still a sleep , this very large rescue doggie -human space ship is on course for the planet -earth, in the year, 3987, where stranded and missing doggie and human space crewman led by col taylor, and mr jeepers are on the surface of this planet -earth of the year -3987, riding 2 doggie range rovers trying to hide from those nasty and angry gorrialls, in the mean time.
this human-doggie rescue space ship is a day's journey from the planet earth of the year -3987, where they major cities were blown up and destroyed by nuclear weapons from a nuclear war, casused by a major nuclear war, fought between the united states, england ,france and other major world powers against the counrty of iran, who degranged psycho leaders has just built enough nuclear weapons, to start world war-3, the surface of this planet-earth -has the ruins of new york city, buried under the surface of thec planet and also, the statue of liberty is buried waist deep along the ocean, which col,taylor earlier found while rinding his horse, along with his fellow human space crewman dodge, landon, stewart and their new human friend named nova.
col taylor, and his fellow human crewman meet with human space crewman brent and maddox and 2 other u.s mitary human space crewman, who space ship in another area of this planet.
where they meet, up doggie u.s miltary col, mr, jeepers, along with other doggie space crewmen, leo, theo, freeway, and chula the dog, who's space ship, had trouble with its space ship engine ,trying to blast off, they meet with very friendly apes named dr.milo, zira, and cornuilsa, who will do their best to help everyone stay out of trouble, intill another rescue space ship, comes to bring them all back to their planet-earth of the year-1973.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

this doggie-human joint space craft is in timewarp

this doggie-human joint space rescue mission space craft is now entering this black hole type wormhole time warp from the year 1973 into the future, it fly 3000 years into the planet's earth's future, and come out of it, in earth's future, in the year 3987, on course for the planet-earth ,where those human and doggie missing space crewman are stranded on the planet -earth of the year 3987.
molly, tracy, the dogs named pearl and june are still in suspened amataion.

Monday, February 15, 2010

human-doggie rescue ship near time-warp-wormhole

the human-doggie search and rescue space is getting to enter the time-space warp worm hole, which the other 4 missing space ships have passed through, but never returned through.
human crewman, molly, tracy, megan, jim, along the doggie space crewman pearl, june, leo, mia, are getting into their time suspend amation holders ,to place in deep frezze, for the rest of their space journey through this time space warp-worm hole into the future to the planet of earth of the year 3987, to locate and those 7 missing human space crewman, along a talking human who lives on this planet ,earth ,named nova, which col,taylor teached how to like humans, and along with missing doggie rescue ship sent there, which never came back.
molly, will this space ship set on autopilot, the rest of the way.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

this joint human-doggie space ship in outerspace

the joint human-doggie u.s military rescuse space ship just blasted into outer space, it just left the planet ,earth's orbit, for deep space, crewmen molly and the dogs ,pearl, june and leo ,along with tracy are planing to their space flight into deep space, once their space craft,that time warp black hole, everyone on board, this spacecraft, will be put in a deep sleep, intill their space craft reachs the outer half of the time warp worm hole, to reach the planet -earth, of the year-3987, to make plans to land their space ship on the planet -earth of the year 3987, to set out on their very dangerous rescue mission.

Friday, February 12, 2010

this human-dog space craft blasted off

space crewmen molly and pear the dog blasted off their doggie -human space craft from this joint human-dog u.s miltary space command center heading into outer space ,to start their very long space rescue journey to the planet -earth of the year -3987, through a time space warp wormhole, the space journey, will be a very long one.

perperration for blast off

molly, tracy, megan, hugley, pearl, june, chester, bogie, and pearl and many other human and doggie space crewmen are all ready strapped down in their space craft seat ,all ready for blast off, for their very long space journey, through that same time-space warp, which these 4 space craft flew through and never returned, the blast off time is 1-hour and 50 cents for lift off.
Human army general gerry harrison and her very brave doggie aid, lizzy,the dog, are siting in their comfy chairs, watching human air force col,rachel, and these brave u.s army control workers, ziggy, oscar, sheby,along her human partner u.s air major juile, along 2 very loud dogs named major mo and macy mo, throwing dog treats at each other, while the control panel.
the doggie u.s army mps, tess and ruffus are standing guard, with other doggie and human u.s army mps, at this joint human-doggie u.s miltary command center.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

space rescue mission in preperation

doggie Lt.col, hugley, human head of human space opreations cherry harsion are both planing another doggie space rescue mission to the planet of the earth of the year 3987, which the major cities were destroyed and blown up by a nuclear war, which happened over 3000 years ago.
there are 7 missiing human space crewmen led by col,taylor and those very brave doggie u.s space crewmen commaned and led by doggie captain mr.jeepers and Lt commander freeway.
the joint human doggie rescue space flight and mission will be camanded by molly, tracy, megan, francis, molly's sister nicole, and the doggies pearl, june and oscar.
u.s army doggie named lizzy, who will everyone get ready for this important mission.